Animalería, 2006
Feromonas hechas en Casa
Las feromonas son sustancias químicas inodoras que nuestro cuerpo produce y tienen como
única misión afectar nuestro comportamiento … como las hormigas : así se comunican, así “saben” lo que tienen que hacer… son las ideas transmitidas sin “hablar”
Selbstgestrickte Pheromone
Pheromone sind chemische Substanzen, die unser Körperproduziert; sie sind geruchslos
und bezwecken, unserVerhalten zu affektieren… wiebei den Ameisen, die kraft
der Pheromone „wissen“, waszu tun ist…sozusagen eine„ungesprochene“ Vermittlungvon Ideen.
Handmade Pheromones
Pheromones can be described as a silent language, a soundless communication in the world of animals. Particularly important in the insect world pheromones influence the psychology or behavior of other animals of the same species.
A chemical which can be secreted externally or taken up in the blood stream pheromones take on a secretive and mystical presence manipulating behavior, responses, actions and abilities. They (pheromones) appear as an unspoken set of rules that are instantly understood and complied with.
Being conscious of our environment and aware of our being, mankind occupies a unique position in the animal kingdom. We appear to experience two existence’s that are lived simultaneously. A symbolic world built on imaginative individual and social structures complete with acceptable and unacceptable behaviors, and a world subjected to the wishes of our bio rhythms and natural instincts. Seemingly two sets of rules (laws) that appear to demand equal adherence whilst existing together concurrently.
The question (or questions) that are presented through this collection of work seek to explore the relationship between these rules (laws), the effect upon us (humans) having seemingly two sets of rules to negotiate and the implications that result from a dual conformity.
Does one set of rules (laws) exert a greater influence over us than the other set? Is our instinctual, naturally occurring, chemically stimulated rule book wielding a more persuasive authority than our imaginatively built symbolic set of social rules and behaviors?
How are our coupling and mating rituals affected? Are both sets of rules applied together or does one have dominance. Certainly in the modern social time that we are existing communication and contact has become increasingly less personal and human interaction outwardly pushed to the side.
Pheromone is a naturally occurring chemical substance that our bodies produce.
Its production is obviously dependant upon certain factors. To what extent (if any) do external influences and conditioned social believes effect its production? Of course we also have to ask the opposite. How much of our structured and sociably acceptable behaviors directly resulted from its affects?
These apparent contradictions are expressed and represented in this installation which is entitled Pheromones.
The drawn animals are depicted as nature intended. Their details and features being reproduced faithfully enforce the natural silent role. Expressing innocence and purity they are the epiphany of dedication to a single set of rules.
Yet by drawing these creatures on paper not usually associated with such fine artistic work a paradox emerges. Our social structures and expectations seem to be forced out into the open and questioned. Does the paper some how diminish our ability to accept the purity of the subject.
Which set of rules are we adhering to? What part of this silent communication do we respond to?
Paul Brooks, 2007